This section provides information on how to install the required python packages.
Note: Python v2.7.x is the required version for PyRF, not v3.x or higher.
Windows Setup¶
1. Set-up Python v2.7
- Install Python v2.7 from
- Add to the windows PATH: C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts
2. Install Dependencies
These installation steps make use of pip software to install required libraries. Open a command prompt window and type pip, if a help menu appears, pip is already in your system. If pip has not yet been installed, follow these instructions:
Download (right mouse click and save)
Open a command prompt window, navigate to and run:
Now use pip to install the dependencies by typing into the command prompt window:
pip install numpy scipy pyside==1.2.2 pyqtgraph twisted zope.interface setuptools pywin32 pip install netifaces
- Notes:
- pySide v1.2.2 is needed, not the latest
- When installing netifaces, MS Visual C++ 9.0 is required, follow the recommended instruction, such as
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required. Get it from
- To install qtreactor, choose one of the following option:
If you have git, run:
pip install -e git://, download qtreactor-pyrf-1.0 to your computer, unzip and then go into the extracted folder in a command prompt window and type:
python install
Continue with PyRF Installation below.
Linux Setup¶
These instructions are tested on Debian/Ubuntu system, equivalent apt-get command might be needed for your system.
Install python2.7 package if not already available in your system
Install required libraries (sudo privilege might be needed):
apt-get install pip pip install numpy scipy pyside==1.2.2 pyqtgraph twisted netifaces zope.interface setuptools pip install -e git://
Or install dependencies from source:
apt-get install qt-sdk python-dev cmake libblas-dev libatlas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran export BLAS=/usr/lib/libblas/ export ATLAS=/usr/lib/atlas-base/ export LAPACK=/usr/lib/lapack/ pip install -r requirements.txt pip install pyside==1.2.2
Continue with PyRF Installation below.
PyRF Installation¶
- Download the development version by either:
Using git and run:
git clone git:// download a stable release here and extract
Navigate to pyrf directory (
cd pyrf
), run:python install
PyRF API for ThinkRF RTSA Products¶
is the class that provides access
to ThinkRF Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers
(RTSA, also formerly known as WSA) devices.
Its methods closely match the SCPI Command Set described in the product’s
Programmer’s Guide (available on
ThinkRF Resources).
There are simple examples illustrating usage of this API under the examples directory included with the source code directory. Some are mentioned in the Examples section of this document .
This API may be used in a blocking mode (the default) or in an asynchronous mode with using the Twisted python library.
In blocking mode, all methods that read from the device will wait to receive a response before returning.
In asynchronous mode, all methods will send their commands to the device and
then immediately return a Twisted Deferred object. If you need to wait for
the response or completion of this command, you can attach a callback to the
Deferred object and the Twisted reactor will call it when ready. You may
choose to use Twisted’s inlineCallbacks
function decorator to write Twisted
code that resembles synchronous code by yielding the Deferred objects
returned from the API.
To use the asynchronous, when a WSA instance of a device (ex. dut = WSA()
) is created,
you must pass a pyrf.connectors.twisted_async.TwistedConnector
instance as the connector parameter, as shown in /